Lowlights of 2018 #1

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    I forgot the verse ولتسئلن يوميذ عن النعيم during my tasmi’

I was taught to aim for full marks. So, obviously I didn’t take it well when I stuttered during my examination.

I just started my full time job and there was like this training and that training and I still have my tuitions and then this course. I reached home at 10pm+ almost everyday and was still working on weekends. And somehow I thought my mind is not going to stall with that kind of schedule.

So apparently, it was ‘Isyak and it happened that when I was being super upset (while crying, hahah) at the situation, I stepped into the musolla when the imam was reading

“….كان سعيكم مشكورا”

It was like: “It does not matter if you didn’t score well. It is the intention and effort that counts.”

And after much contemplation, it hit me:

On the verse that I forgot ولتسئلن يوميذ عن النعيم:

I almost did not join the course because of my situation at that point of time. I wasn’t sure if I can mentally cope. And lo and behold, I completed it and I didn’t skip any classes. Alhamdulillah. (God knows the tough days of me crying in the toilet. Haha!)

Basically, I was reminded of the fact that I should be thankful of the fact that I can even crawl out of the house and was brave enough to join. And the case wasn’t really true if this was a few years back. It was as if I wasn’t thankful for the situation I was in (able to go to class) and now I am complaining about the fact that I did not scored well for the exam.

Anndd I just registered for the diploma course! Bismillah!



In all honesty, it hurts less this time round. Maybe your departure was always at the back of my mind; random, sudden and selfish.

Leave as you pleased, get out and let us just move on.

You do you now, and I do I.


Life in the Hereafter

People don’t believe me when I say I am Malay,
nor are they confident when I say I am Singaporean.

And probably because of the way I dress,
they thought I graduated from Azhar.

Surprised when I shared that I went to a polytehnic;
“Oh, but you were from a madrasah right?”

Too inferior to sit among the asatizahs,
too disturbed to be among the ones who randomly curse.

Part time tutor
and full time I-have-no-idea.

Never quite fit in to any checkboxes,
neither fully this nor that.

Maybe this serves as a stark reminder;
“You don’t belong here, my dear”

Maybe this serves as a stark reminder;
Of life in the hereafter.


Niat Berusaha dan Bekerja

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

1. Mengumpul duit untuk menunaikan rukun islam yg kelima

2. Mencari duit supaya dapat kekal menjadi penuntut ilmu

3. Semoga terlebih rezeki dpt ziarah Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم pada setiap tahun

4. Khidmat pada ummat Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم

5. Mencukupkan dari meminta-minta daripada manusia

6. Melaksanakan kewajiban menafkahi kepada orang-orang yang wajib dinafkahi

7. Mendapatkan ampunan

8. Membantu kalangan lemah dan orang yang miskin

9. Melaksanakan fardhu kifayah

10. Bersabar dalam mu’amalah dengan masyarakat

11. Memenuhi kebutuhan manusia